Thursday, May 6, 2010

There is this lady, she lives somewhere ,not over the rainbow. She dresses disturbingly colorful. She loves flowers. She even wears them. Her house which is painted in 5 different hues and her kaleidoscopic garden are noticable miles away.She also eats candy, not all the time of course. From time to time she bakes those G letters. She coates and than glazes them. Blue sprinkles on top.
She never explains about the obsession with the G letter but I like to believe she bakes them for me ( as you know I'm Gala). They glow in the dark, but I eat them anyway. They are disturbingly colorful and delicious.

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Anonymous said...

This little lady looks great! haha!

Awesome work

followin' you too


ColeAndJosephine said...

I love your style! This is great!

Thanks for commenting on my logo. I would love any help that you might be willing to share :) I don't really understand what you mean by "tale this illustration".

Thanks so much!

Emmekay said...

Hi, I really love your art works, awesome!!!

Liam Hodgeon said...

I really like the pattern made out of the G's :)

Anonymous said...

i love that little lady !

Lauren said...

Love the illustration, cute!xx


very nice pictures!!!:))))
pass to my blog and follow me
xoxo francesca

chantelle said...

your work is so wonderful! utterly gorgeous & very cute :) hope you're having a lovely weekend ♥

Anonymous said...

I love these picture and your blog! I've followed you, a follow back maybe? :) Aly xx