If you have'nt noticed, lately I'm experimenting with a combination between illustration and typo. I kinda' play with it to make some sort of interesting creation. A work that unites both of my faves. Do you think it is a nice combo to mix up or you dislike?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
So there goes the weekend.. How can it be it's already over?? Anyway, I'm working on series of typographic posters and I came up with this concept: Sometimes saying nothing is a better idea. I could't decide which one of these posters to upload so why not both of them. Which one do you like best?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A great sunny day it was, but not quite for me!.. I was grindnin' on my computer and this is one of the posters I came up with. I drew this sexylicious lady with a massive mask on. She oozes girlpower and I absolutely love everything that says, don't be afraid to show a boob. If you like it, hallar back at me :)
Well...this is one of my latest identity works for a fashion designer. The stores are in the heart of Tel Aviv, tre tre chic ..We wanted something flowery (you can smell them, right? :) and very girly so that's what I came up with! What do you say ?
A collaboration between myself and a very talanted photographer named Keith Glassman. I wanted to visualise an image I had in my mind for quite some time and I did it with a help of Keith and his unique style. I also got a free poster, signed off course...:)
Hello friends. My name is Gala Turman. I'm a Graphic designer & Illustrator based in Tel Aviv. This blog is dedicated to my works. If you enjoy my stuff, you are welcome to join my blog and help me grow. I'd love to hear your comments.To comission or discuss possible projects with me please use my email adress below.